Well, aint that the dickens!



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I've Been Hacked :(

Posted by Snubby - July 22nd, 2008

So the other day a hacker finds out my password somehow and gets into my google account (email and adsense), my paypal, my website and my website's FTP. He changes the passwords on my Google account and my website, and changes the security question and language as well on my Google account. On my google account he emails a bunch of my contacts and pretends to be me in an effort to embarass me, then he deletes a ton of emails and subscribes me to a bunch of really lame stuff. Then on my website he makes a bunch of fake posts on the front page, submits a bunch of games and movies and stuff into my database, and deletes users, posts and topics from my forums. Then on my paypal he withdraws $25.00.

The only way I was able to get my Google account back was by emailing Google and later on 411'ing them and calling them, then having to show them proof of past cheques from Adsense and emails and stuff. So now that I have my stuff back, I have to go through and unsubscribe to all the sites he signed me up for, delete all the stuff he put into my website's database, change all my passwords and then reply to all those people he emailed. Also now I have to go and reprogram a bunch of my website's security stuff, and now I have to look for anything he might have done to my code (because he was in my FTP as well).

On top of all that, I was just about to release The World's Hardest Game 2 right when he hacked me, so my sponsor was waiting for me to reply but I couldn't because I couldn't log into my email, and I couldn't email him from my other email because I couldn't remember how to spell his email address (Google does all that automatically in Gmail). And now we have to postpone the release of the game a few days, even though it's done.

What a bitch, eh?


fuckin hackers should find a girldfriend.

im with you bro.

Break their fingers!!! Fucking hackers >:(

Damn You random Hackers!

Fucken damm hackers they suck ass

That is bullshit man.

Out of all of that though, in the end it's not too serious.
You seem to be on the ball, and fixing all those issues. There are some inconviencs like the sponsorship. But that will be delt with.

It's lucky he didn't take a bunch of money on PayPal and send it away to someone else. (Not to himself, because then he'd be caught)

yeah 25 really isn't that much, could have been a lot worse. and you're right, in the end its not so bad, just really really annoying.

finds your password how?

no idea, I never gave it out.

keylogger ........ install spybot, immunize, then search and destroy youll be ok for the rest of your life, plus nod 32

That sucks, man. Tell ya what, if you get his I.P., I can get my friend to infect his BIOS if ya want. ;D

That's what I tell my clients when I'm late on project too >:c

omg thats gay the gay hackers......gay

Not all hackers are bad,Jus` tha 1`s that mess wit U

what would a good hacker be? most hackers just go around pissing people off all the time.

...well, that really sucks.
but its true: it wasn't as bad as it could have been. at least the game will still come out. and 25 bucks, though infuriating, isn't a huge amount. I very strongly dislike people who think its fun to go around screwing up other peoples lives. bitches.
sorry dude.

Believe me.. I suffered the same fate.

hackers: Like thieves, but with 50% more gay.

shit sucks, man. oh well, could've been much worse.


Sounds like an excellent friend.

you probably have a tracker on your pc and thats how he got the password

run every possible anti-viral anti-spyware software you have

yeah at the very least im gonna renew my norton lol

Wooo, maybe you shouldnt give out your paypal adress.

paypal address is my email, so its not that hard to figure out.

That really sucks. Thats why you should have different passwords for different accounts.

he probably did it cause he couldnt finish TWHG 1, and spent so much time on it and doesnt want to get hooked on the next one.. :(

anyways good luck getting all back together

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