I've got 1:40 done so far, the end product should be about 3:00-4:00 so I'm not really that close to being done, but I've got to start working on this thing for addictinggames.com in like 10 days so I'm going to have finish a lot of DL10 during those 10 days. This past month I've been kind of slacking off and just kinda answering pms and emails and moderating my site, but now its work time again.
edit - duck luck #9 still actually isn't on the duck luck series page so if you wanna be a big help go ahead and submit it to the page by hitting the 'reccomend for a collection' link (found below the voting panel) here.
Looks good! I never saw your Duck Luck series, but I can spot your weird art style a mile off ;P