After 3 years of on and off work, Straight Bullyism is FINALLY done. I'm going to wait probably a month or so before I submit it to NG, but play it and tell me what you think, and if you notice any bugs or loading problems.
One major setback while working on SB was that the file exceeded the memory limits of Flash, and I had to cut the game up into 3 files (one for each level), and at the end of each level you open the next level in a new window (which carries over your data). Had I known from the start that Flash had memory limits, I could have designed the game to work in one file. Oh well.
My site runs on Dreamhost's 'Blue Moon 12' dedicated server which is like $250/mo, but it still overloads and goes down occasionally. This is unacceptable because then people can't play levels 2 and 3 of SB whenever it's down. So, before releasing to NG I'm going to find a more reliable dedicated server from a different host.
You should look into .swc files, it's a fairly new thing since flash cs4 that lets you export a "pre-compiled" clip or an entire flash file and import it into another flash file's library.
Then, when you compile the main file, the compiled clips don't have to be compiled at all and therefore you can fit a whole lot more into one flash file.
This is the method we used for Abobo's Big Adventure, and we have 8 huge levels crammed into 1 flash file.
Cool, didn't know about that. I'll look into it now that I'm learning cs5 and as3. Thanks.