Well, aint that the dickens!



Toronto, ON

Joined on 12/4/04

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Snubby's News

Posted by Snubby - July 22nd, 2008

So the other day a hacker finds out my password somehow and gets into my google account (email and adsense), my paypal, my website and my website's FTP. He changes the passwords on my Google account and my website, and changes the security question and language as well on my Google account. On my google account he emails a bunch of my contacts and pretends to be me in an effort to embarass me, then he deletes a ton of emails and subscribes me to a bunch of really lame stuff. Then on my website he makes a bunch of fake posts on the front page, submits a bunch of games and movies and stuff into my database, and deletes users, posts and topics from my forums. Then on my paypal he withdraws $25.00.

The only way I was able to get my Google account back was by emailing Google and later on 411'ing them and calling them, then having to show them proof of past cheques from Adsense and emails and stuff. So now that I have my stuff back, I have to go through and unsubscribe to all the sites he signed me up for, delete all the stuff he put into my website's database, change all my passwords and then reply to all those people he emailed. Also now I have to go and reprogram a bunch of my website's security stuff, and now I have to look for anything he might have done to my code (because he was in my FTP as well).

On top of all that, I was just about to release The World's Hardest Game 2 right when he hacked me, so my sponsor was waiting for me to reply but I couldn't because I couldn't log into my email, and I couldn't email him from my other email because I couldn't remember how to spell his email address (Google does all that automatically in Gmail). And now we have to postpone the release of the game a few days, even though it's done.

What a bitch, eh?

Posted by Snubby - July 1st, 2008

Draw Yourself Working

Draw a picture of you working on Flash or something and post it here! It's all just for fun, but also you can win a trophy for your account if your entry is selected as one of the top three.

Also since I posted this a bit late you only have till Friday, so that's like 3 days left to enter.

Posted by Snubby - June 14th, 2008

Onslaught / Competition / Trophies to Win

So if you want to compete in the Onslaught competition, just register on the Snubby Land Forums (it takes like 2 seconds because there's no email verification) and post a screenshot of your highest wave in the competition thread.

We're going to be holding competitions like this and other weekly practice competitions (weeklies) very frequently now.

Any questions, please post!

PS. This isn't just an advertising ploy or anything, we just thought it would be fun to hold some competitions.

Onslaught Competition!

Posted by Snubby - April 17th, 2008

I've got 1:40 done so far, the end product should be about 3:00-4:00 so I'm not really that close to being done, but I've got to start working on this thing for addictinggames.com in like 10 days so I'm going to have finish a lot of DL10 during those 10 days. This past month I've been kind of slacking off and just kinda answering pms and emails and moderating my site, but now its work time again.

edit - duck luck #9 still actually isn't on the duck luck series page so if you wanna be a big help go ahead and submit it to the page by hitting the 'reccomend for a collection' link (found below the voting panel) here.

Duck Luck 10.......

Posted by Snubby - March 22nd, 2008

I run a series called Duck Luck, and lately I haven't been able to do any new episodes because I got a new computer and it has Vista, and for some reason any voices I try to record in Vista are all irregularly quiet, even when I turn up the volume everywhere to full. So that causes them to be all staticky when amplified. But now I've found a way around that, so I can get back to recording voices and get back to working on it!

Duck Luck #10 will be very long compared to the others. I'm guessing the likes of 7 minutes. So I'm guessing it won't be out for the next little while but when it finally is released I promise you an awesome episode, funnier than ever.

Duck Luck #10 in the works

Posted by Snubby - February 24th, 2008

SUPER TANK IS FINALLY DONE! Go vote for it! It took roughly 5 months of work so we're both just really relieved and happy that it is finally done. I spent a lot of long hours at the computer working on the code and getting frustrated with what didn't work and just going ecstatic when I finally fixed a bug, and I know Ansel has been working his fat ass off just tableting in all the details in the backgrounds and animating the crazy bosses and all that. We're both just so happy that it's done, and I hope you guys can enjoy it!


Posted by Snubby - February 6th, 2008

Hey in addition to my other music video SOMA HOLIDAY I'm making another video for the Red Hot Chili Peppers song Snow, so be sure to check that out in the next 2 or so weeks when I release it. Check out the spoilers/feedback thread for the vid in all stages of developement. Kinda spoils it, doesn't it?

EDIT: It's done now! Check it out!

New Music Vid Soon!

Posted by Snubby - January 16th, 2008

Hey be sure to check out SOMA HOLIDAY which is a music video I did for Soma by Smashing Pumpkins. It took me a ton of effort since I did a 2 minute long clip, but I'm happy with the way it turned out, disappointed with the score it got but whatever. Check it out, though!

New Movie!

Posted by Snubby - November 26th, 2007

We now have a bazillion affiliate images up for grabs. Put one on your site and contact us so that we can affiliate you! We get lots of hits so it's a good trade!



Posted by Snubby - November 23rd, 2007