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I think it was pretty original :D

muflubbagon1 responds:

Thanks Snubby. I am a big fan of your worrks. I hope one day that Blobb will have it's own collection page like yours! :)


Very nice, gettin close to luis' quality. Enjoy your first award ^.^

atomic-noodle responds:

haha, thanks man. I'm so close!


I made a movie called Stick Antics too. I saw this on the list and I was like wtf m8? Great movie. Nice sound effects.

LittleLuckyLink responds:

I saw yours actually, lol. I had tried to submit it as regular stick Antics but the name was taken so I put fusion on it. Thank you for the review, and your antics were good too. :)


I would have won daily 5th on my totally underrated movie if this wasn't submitted, great timing.

Great movie, I think you oughta take out the filters.

MACception responds:

:( That really sucks dude, I'm sorry if this one bumps you outta 5th...

Though you never know, TooF isn't scoring very well lately, it could score worse than yours still.

Happy that you still enjoyed it man :) Even though you endured heavy trauma...


Finally you finish it, what was that like 5 months? Anyway great job on this, as far as lines fbf'ing around you did an above average job, mainly because of the fps.

If you wanna get in on Goldfish 4 or something I'm startin it soon, it'll raise your BA to above 3.00.

Yeah and hopefully you can start finishing more stuff, I'm glad to see you 'finished' this, even if it's not the whole song.

Keep at it.

Woozle responds:

Sure i'd love to get on gold fish 4. Thanks but its been finished for along time, just haven't posted it.


Wowowow, that's a lot of inbetweens. Wow. You must have nerves of steel. I hope everybody appreciates this as much as I do.

Great graphics, cool idea, original formatting. The downs are that it was a bit dry on the humor aspect - it wasn't really that funny, but still enjoyable, and also the sound quality was very poor. Still, it is worth a 10/10 for sure.

Great job mate.

NoComicsComics responds:

Nothing pleases me more than to have someone appreciate this for the same reasons I do, the animation. It does sting a bit to hear that it's not funny, but you can't please everybody with the same thing. Criticism on sound is nothing new to me. Yes, I suppose I do have nerves of steel (not to be compared with those found in our mighty hero, the star of this cartoon) but it does take a lot of hard work and dedication to cartoon this way. You either have to be really driven, or really nuts, and, well, in my case, it's the latter. Thanks again, and stay tuned, Episode 3 will have it all (I hope).

Very nice

I love this and the series, even though #2 cost me daily fifth for one of my cartoons >:( Great audio, I like the mac/windows music in the bg, I like the idea that it is totally biased, and I like the drawings and animation (but it could use a wee bit more char animation). I'm an atheist so I guess that's probably a bias on my part, but whatever XD It's good to be doing stuff like this, brave even, because it is obvious that non-atheists will vote it down, and that's a shame.

Good job.

Cambo responds:

Thanks mate, glad you like the series, although credit where credit's due, Enoll did most of the work here.

I'm deeply, deeply sorry that I pipped you for fifth. I want you to know that if I could turn back time, I would.

Seems like you like a lot about this series, which means I like a lot about you. But I wouldn't call it brave, I don't really mind if people vote this stuff down, I don't think I'm offending anyone, and if people take it as offense then it's them misinterpreting harmless fun, and it's always going to happen.

Thanks for the review, I loved your Stand Up Comedy collab.


Yeah that was flawless. Very nice FBF animation, loved the preloader, great sounds, it was all brilliant. You've got my 5.

The-Swain responds:

You got our gratitude :)


Eww you're winning? Your girlfriend must really suck! jk mate.

I think you need to move away from just shapes into bodies and figures, also, lose the text and better music please. Pretty cool atm, though.

Psionic-Storm responds:

well it was FBF, and she is just beginning and using flash. I just wanted to show her what you could do... I made this is 3 hours, i wouldn't expect much from it.. lol

Well, aint that the dickens!



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